Johnny A. Solbu

Taking over some software projects

Posted January 02, 2017, last updated June 16, 2019 by Solbu in Gnu-Linux (GNU/Linux, software, Grip, listadmin, Mailman)

The last couple of years I've been thinking that some of my prefered software packages might be dropped by the various Gnu-Linux distributions, because no one is maintaining them upstream. So this last december I decided to try and do something about two projects that I find really usefull: Grip and listadmin.

I am not a programmer, not a good one anyway, so at least currently it is not much I can do with regards to the coding. But I can implement small changes, check and apply patches that come in, and so on.

If any one want to help continue the development, join me, join one or more of the projects.

If you have patches that should be implemented, join the development team or open a ticket at the SF-project.